Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Posting to Craigslist

Here are some tips on posting to Craigslist.com. Craigslist is a great site to advertise on but you have to be careful so you don't get ban.

  1. Use a lot of different email address. The more you have, the better.

  2. Mix your ad description up. Be careful that you don't get flag for posting the same ad over and over again.

  3. Change your IP address. If you post a lot of ads from the same computer, you could end up getting block. Craigslist will also detect and delete your post if you are trying to post an ad in a different country. Craigslist is meant to be local and they guard against this.

  4. Your ads should be in the right category so as to avoid being flagged by other readers. Also, vary your title.

  5. Do not post more then 10 - 15 ads at a time. Craigslist is a great place to market yourself but don't over do it or you will get banned. Let some time past before you do your next postings.

  6. Don't post the same ads over and over again. Don't repost the same product or service withine a 24 hour period.

  7. Don't make your ads look too spammy. This will make it less likely to be flagged.


Anonymous said...

you may try this site also http://www.webcosmo.com Its free to post in all categories, in 39 countries.

emarketer said...

Thanks you, I am going to make a post on your site soon enough.

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